We want one thing only: to stop Trump

Are you a moderate concerned about economic and political stability? Are you a Catholic who believes that presidential candidates should display some decency and morality? Are you a conservative who supports the military and police? Are you a liberal worried about the environment? Are you a Southern Baptist who knows Trump is lying about his devotion and infidelities? No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, if you think values, honor, fidelity, and courage (not to mention competency) matter in a candidate, then this campaign is for you!

We are raising money to purchase billboard space in the Western swing states of Arizona and Nevada for the 2024 presidential campaign. This is an anti-Trump campaign, designed to discourage the ‘undecideds’ from voting for Trump by focusing on his failings as a president, husband, father, businessman, American, and human.

We hope to appeal to people across the political spectrum who also value honesty, courage, fairness, respect for others, and compassion, among others. Trump lacks all of these, and this is an explicitly NEGATIVE campaign to remind folks of how bad it really was. Trump loves personal insults and we want to turn the tables. A note - this is not how our mothers raised us and not how we think politics should be, but unusual times . . .

This is not a pro-Harris campaign and we are not advocating any policies or any position on the political spectrum. The founders of this campaign are politically diverse (and we love to argue policy), but all share one thing - a contempt for Trump and the politics of personal corruption that he brings.

Have you forgotten already? Yes, it was that bad, every day.

Current Donation Total: $2025

We view this as a collaborative effort and encourage donors to send ideas to our email account (empiricalpolitical@gmail.com). We will post ideas we receive that we think of as potentially persuasive and clever. We want to especially focus on his character failings and his failings in business, life, and politics to chip away at the cult of personality. Be creative! Don’t be afraid to go negative - we are doing the dirty work, here, so others don’t have to!

Given the way some Trump supporters have behaved in the past, we are keeping this campaign as anonymous as possible. If you contribute we will not publish your name unless you want us to (and just in case, we keep a loaded shotgun by the front door).

No one receives a dime from this - all money received goes to the billboard campaign and the campaign will be dissolved after the election. If there is money left over, it will go to non-partisan medical charity. Then, win or lose, we go back to our lives! (donate to the left or at Venmo: @empiricalpolitical)

How do I participate?

This campaign is all about ideas and money. We want to post billboards in the largest cities in Arizona and Nevada - Phoenix and Las Vegas (to start). Billboards at strategic locations are between $2000 and $6000 per month. We intend to start at the end of September and run through November 5. So one way you can help is by contributing (see below). Unless you explicitly state that you want recognition, donations will be anonymous. If you indicate you want us to recognize you, we will keep a running tally of contributors on this page.

However, we also want your ideas! We are not advertisers by trade, and additional ideas for billboards are very welcome! Please send them to our email address: empiricalpolitical@gmail.com. If we like your idea we will let you know and use it in the campaign. Note - we want the billboards to remind voters of his weaknesses and failures, but they can’t be obscene.

What about accountability? How do you know we won’t take the contributions and go out and buy a vintage Trans Am and a bag of cocaine and go on a tear across the Southwest? Two ways: 1. We are a federally registered 527 PAC and have to account for every penny we receive. 2. We will post the campaign’s bank statement (with account number and identifying information covered) each month on this web site.

Some of our billboard ideas so far

The old saying is: if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. We disagree. The statistics indicate that negative campaigns work and the Trump campaigns have been unafraid to go strongly negative. We are data-driven and empirically oriented. If this is what it takes to keep Trump out of the White House, so be it. We believe in the truth, and sometimes the truth is ugly! Don’t tell our mothers!

How to donate (current total: $2025)

If you would like to contribute, just click on the donation box . We are hoping to raise between $10,000 and $20,000, which will allow us to put two to three major billboards in the Phoenix and Las Vegas areas at major highway intersections for the month leading up to the election . Our default will be anonymous donations - if you want to be named, please let us know! We will post the accounting for the account here, with names redacted. If there is money left over it will be donated to a non-partisan medical charity. If the campaign has to go belly-up for some reason, and is unable to post billboards, money will be refunded. (donate here or with Venmo - @empiricalpolitical)

some final words of inspiration

If I happen to be president and I see somebody who’s doing well and beating me very badly, I say go down and indict them, mostly they would be out of business. They’d be out. They’d be out of the election.

— Donald Trump 2023

“I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

— Donald Trump 2006